Friday, February 22, 2008

Liz's Questionnaire

What name did you wish you had when you were a kid? Honestly, I can't remember. But I do remember that I hated Jessica and wished Liz had ended up with it instead (like she was originally going to but then my parents changed their mind when some baby in the family named Jessica died... but I guess they liked it well enough a year later when I was born).

Would you rather go without brushing your teeth or wearing deodorant? For a day: brushing my teeth. Permanently: wearing deodorant (I don't sweat much as it is and if I shower daily it wouldn't be a problem).

In your opinion, what is your most annoying habit? I tend to get a little obsessive about certain things. For instance, right now I can't get enough of blog templates (just ask Maren).

If bodysuits came back in style would you wear them? Huh... no. Unless Liz would let me borrow hers .

If you were offered $300,000 to relive high school would you do it? Sure. I'm forgetful anyway so even if it's horrible I'll forget it in another 5 years.

Would you rather live without a cellphone or the internet? Cellphone. I'm too much of a blog-addict to live without the internet.

What is one question you wish you could ask people but don't because it's not polite? Some variation of: "Do you have low self-esteem?" or "Are you depressed?" Maybe I really should go into therapy/counseling...

Would you rather lose an arm or a leg? Leg.

If you could only listen to one band or singer for the rest of your life, who would it be? That's a tough one... probably The Postal Service.

What do you do in the privacy of your home that you wouldn't do in public? Walk around in my underwear... toot...

Would you rather have a pretty face with a pudgy body or a so-so face with a perfect body? A so-so face with a perfect body. Makeup works wonders.

In front of a large crowd would you rather sing or dance? I'm not really coordinated and I can't carry a tune... but I could probably get through a primary song or something.

How often do you weigh yourself? Only when I'm at one of my sister's houses and I remember that they have scales.

Now it's your turn! I hope you'll answer these for me because I love finding out new things about old friends!


Lizzy said...

I'm telling you, everyone is going to be BEGGING to borrow this body suit of mine. You all might as well get your own. They're going to come back big.

And you saying "toot" made me laugh. I don't know if "toot" is the right word to describe what you do. Kidding.

Maren said...

I'm laughing my head off because you admitted to tooting! Just call you Lois! (kidding)

Maren said...

Oh, and I don't think it's annoying that you are obsessed right now with blog templates. I personally am loving your addiction!

K P said...

Happy Leap Day! Love ya!!!