Friday, February 29, 2008


Exciting news: I rented by cap and gown for graduation today. I still don't know if I'll actually be "graduating" in April (I still haven't decide 100% about that CFLE) but I decided I definitely want to walk. Yay!


*Aliese* said...

Yay! Congrats. That's so exciting. I remember at my 2yr. grad, I sat on the floor and played card games with the two people on either side of me. At my 4yr. grad, I had to sit on the front row. Bitter...However, I did enjoy sending slightly inappropriate text messages to my friend who had to speak at graduation, so he was sittin’ on the staged platform. It's definitley exciting and something to be proud of! Just take something to entertain yourself...Even more boring that HS graduation.

K P said...

That is way exciting Jess! I'm so happy for you! You've worked (and are working) really hard to accomplish this amazing goal. YAY JESS!

Lizzy said...

I'm so excited you're finally graduating from Willow Creek! You're top dog!

I kid, I kid.

Bradwich said...

Congratulations, wifey! Hooray for you!

Maren said...

Congratulations Sista! That's very good news. P.S. Jeanette and I missed you today as we went to the Gateway. Whenever we saw a cute outfit (and we saw lots) we thought of you! Love you!

Julie said...

Horray for you! What a wonderful accomplishment and a great school to graduate from if I do say so myself!