Thursday, February 7, 2008


What is his name? Bradley Michael Prestwich.

How long have you been together? We've been married for about 5 1/2 months.

How long did you date? Uh... about 6 months. And we were engaged for about 6 weeks. (Don't worry we knew each other for a while before we started dating.)

Who eats more? Definitely Brad. But I get hungrier more often.

Who said I love you first? I believe Brad did. I think it went something like this: "would it be weird if I said I loved you?" So cute!

Who is taller? Brad.

Who can sing better? Hands down: Brad. I am a Bates, therefore, I can't carry a tune.

Who is smarter? Brad--he's basically a genius. And sometimes, I have no idea what he is talking about. I love my nerd!

Who does the laundry? We both do. Except when Brad gets busy and I have nothing better to do.

Who does the dishes? Again, we both do. But I think Brad actually does it more.

Who pays the bills? Mostly Brad. But we don't have too many bills as it is (I'm sure that's very temporary).

Who sleeps on the right side? I do.

Who mows the lawn? Our landlady's grandkids (we don't have a lawn of our own yet).

Who cooks dinner? I do a lot of the cooking but Brad definitely is a big help and does it when I have classes at night (or when I'm not in the mood).

Who drives? Brad! And I love it! I'm not a huge fan of driving. Especially in the snow.

Who is more stubborn? Probably me.

Who kissed who first? Brad kissed me (after I told him he could).

Who asked who out first? Brad asked me out first... several times (but I didn't catch on that he liked me... some might call me an airhead).

Who proposed? Brad did. In the Walmart parking lot. (But that wasn't his real proposal--which was actually very wonderful and I loved it!)

Who has more friends? That's a toss up. Brad is better at making friends but I've kept in touch with a lot of friends from over the years.

Who is more sensitive? I am definitely more sensitive. I might be a cryer.

Who has more siblings? I do (I have 6 siblings while he has 4).

Who wears the pants? We both wear pants... silly question.


Lizzy said...

Brad proposed in a Walmart parking lot? That was not the proposal story I heard...

Jess said...

That was only a joke proposal. The real one came after we were already pretty much officially engaged and all he had left to do was give me the real ring. So it was a little unconventional.

*Aliese* said...

Eh...Even my real proposal was on a bathroom floor! To each his own.