Wednesday, December 26, 2007


So, yesterday was my first Christmas with my Brad and it was so fun! We slept over at his parent's house Christmas Eve and woke up bright and early to open presents with his family. Brad and I were actually the first ones up besides his parents because I was a little over-excited to see his younger siblings open their presents (I've never had younger siblings before). It was a lot of fun to see Katelyn (his adorable 5 year old sister) go present crazy. Then Brad and I had our own little present exchange. And he got me a camera (among other amazing presents)!! SO exciting!!

After presents we went to Brad's grandparent's house for breakfast. When we were all full we went back to his parent's house so we could try out the new Wii his family got. For lunch, Brad and I went to my sister Jeanette's house. By that time my camera battery had fully charged so I couldn't resist taking pictures of my niece Lucy with some of her new presents:

After lunch, we went to my parent's house. While we were there Liz and her family showed up. I just love her and it was fun see John and Ben:

After all the family visits and hanging out we finally made our way back to Provo. It was a great first Christmas with Brad! I'm looking forward to many more happy ones!


K P said...

Thanks for spending Christmas with us! We love you!

Lizzy said...

Yikes! I can't believe you put that picture of me up. Yuck.

Christmas was fun!