Friday, November 16, 2007

So... some may have gotten the impression from my last post that I was pregnant. Even Liz, my own sister, called me up and had to ask. Um, I've only been married a little over a 2 1/2 months here people. I may live in P-town, but I'm not pregnant... yet...
Anyway, married life is great and I am highly enjoying it. The only problem seems that the hubby and I can survive on different amounts of sleep (with me requiring more than him). This wouldn't be a problem if we weren't in school right now and if he didn't have enormous amounts of homework to do and if we hadn't decided to try and always go to bed at the same time. Unfortunately what this uncontrollable chain of events has lead to is me getting sick... a lot (or at least more so than usual). Luckily we are still in the transitioning phase of newly-married life and I graduate from school in April.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Whatever... When are you due??